Portland and many large cities are rehabilitating mainlines with the, Perma-Liner™ Manhole Rehabilitation lining system. This CIPP system is saving cities time and money with technology suitable for all types of manholes! The liner is a unique one-piece liner made to fit all manholes including barrel sections, eccentric and concentric cones constructed of brick and mortar, pre-cast or block. The Perma-Liner™ Manhole Rehabilitation system can reline chimney or full-depth manhole. Manhole lining eliminates infiltration and inflow through manhole walls. This universal sized manhole liner is engineered to resist freeze-thaw cycles and create water tight, corrosion resistant structural liner. Find this system and more at the Indianapolis Convention Center, where Perma-Liner™ will be showcasing and demonstrating LIVE both indoor and outdoor these money saving systems and more! Portland Join in the action for the trenchless event on February 24th to February 27th in BOOTH # 3223!