The City of Portland is working on several underground pipeline projects for its residents. Over one-third of Portland’s 2,500 miles of sewer pipes are more than 80 years old and in need of repair. The Environmental Services has nearly finished a project to replace 3,000 feet of sewer main along Highway 43 from the Riverview Pump Station south to SW Riverwood Road. The project will protect public health, property and the environment. The notes on development are as follows: final paving will conclude in the next week (weather permitting). SW Riverwood Road will be detoured during the day while crews pave. Expect saw cutting at night early next week. Additionally, there will be replacement of sewer pipes in poor condition, in the area bounded by NW Yeon Avenue, NW 29th Avenue, NW Nicolai Avenue, and NW St. Helens Road. The project will relieve street flooding and basement sewer backups. The work includes diverting storm water to the Balch Conduit sewer pipe, and replacing dams in the Balch outfall pipe to prevent Willamette River water from backing up into the pipe during heavy rain events. The intersection will be open each day after work hours, but will be closed all hours when pipelining is underway. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
During rehabilitation at these locations, typical work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The contractor can also choose to work on Saturdays if necessary. Roads are closed to through traffic, but local businesses have access from one direction. You may experience delays. On-street parking in or near the work area is prohibited during work hours. Equipment and materials are stored on nearby streets overnight. A city construction inspector is on-site during work hours, and may be able to assist you with construction concerns.